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Deep Links

You can use Android App Links (since Version 2.4) and iOS Universal Links (since Version 2.0) to provide a destination to the Localion Navigator.

The following attributes can be used to specify the destination and the app behaviour.

Parameter BaseType optional Example Default Description
version int yes 1 most recent version Based on the version, it can be differentiated whether an installed navigator can already process the universal link of this version. Thus it is possible to extend this link type in the future and remain clearly compatible.
ll comma separated floating point pair no 51.55548, 7.20700 - The coordinate used to calculate a route when the user starts a route calculation to this destination.
dll comma separated floating point pair yes 51.55656,7.20838 value of ll The coordinate used to calculate a route when the user starts a route calculation to this destination.
title string yes LOGIBALL nil The destination title to display in the panel above the map.
description string yes Westring%20303 nil The destination description to display in the panel above the map.
action enum yes route nil The action to perform on this destination. Available actions are: display, route, navigation and demoNavigation

Deep Link Example:



All values must be url encoded strings. Spaces and other special characters must be encoded.

For further and more advanced app-to-app communication with the Localion Navigator refer to the intent interfaces.